I am currently not accepting new lessons.

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About Lessons

I offer Japanese private lessons that are perfect for you.

  • Lessons as often as you like

    You can take lessons at your own pace and get lots of conversation and feedback.

  • Customized to your purpose

    Ex. conversation, business, job interviews, JLPT, correcting essays and e-mails, etc.

  • Online private lesson

    This is an online private lesson. (using Zoom/One-on-one)

Lesson Content
Please let me know what you want to learn in a free trial lesson. After that, I will suggest lesson content and recommend learning materials. (ex. textbooks, online materials, news articles, etc.)

*If we use textbooks, please be sure to purchase the textbook before the lesson starts.

Lesson Fee

40-minute and 60-minute lessons are available.

Number of lessons Fee
Fee per 1 lesson 
4 lessons  @60-min
20,000yen 5,000yen
8 lessons  @60-min
36,000yen 4,500yen
4 lessons  @40-min
8 lessons  @40-min

*Credit/debit card and Paypal are accepted for payment.

*The lesson fee once paid will not be refunded.


Your preferred date and time


*A free 20-minute trial lesson is available before your first paid lesson.

*During the lessons, I will speak Japanese.So the participants need to be able to read Hiragana and Katakana.


  • Can I reschedule my lesson?

    Yes, you may reschedule your lesson 24 hours before the lesson starts by informing the teacher. If you fail to inform the teacher before the said timeframe, the lesson fee will be charged.

  • When is the deadline for payment of lesson fees?

    Please make your payment 3 days before the first lesson starts.

Are you interested in Japanese lessons?

Please come talk to me for a free trial lesson. I look forward to talking with you!